Hisime 2nd | Sunrise -- First commentaries on small birds
"Tell me then, o noble Hindrun, names of great heroes among the oewenien!..."
(As they had journeyed throughout the night, the horse had complained all the time, and Gildor had, few times, managed to stray subjects from complaint. They had gone into a quarrell, just before sunrise, concerning the part of little birds in the wars and great deeds, since days of old, and Gildor mocked Hindrun to be willing to find stars on a heaven well known by all Eldar and even by most Avari, but Gildor listened with astounded attention as Hindrun quoted some old verses of a lore in which an armour was mentioned to have been made for Tulkas by Aule, with the corpses -- that is, an armour of bones -- of oewenien killed by the hundreds of thousands by Morgoth, some occasion before the rise of the edainien ... All the corpses had been collected by Elbereth and Tulkas, after Morgoth had been pushed away back to the north.)
"Golden sun rises, my good Hindrun!", said Gildor.
"Eeeennrh-rh, pfrfrfrfr!?" to what Gildor was awkward in answering... For the plan was to rest only in the end of the day, but ... "well, what do horses care of lost blade and cloak, after all, and anyway, I will need them dearly, and 'ld better keep them even in case Ragnor and Rauros win this udunish bet, and pay them once we meet up at Imladris, or do something else", because Gildor was decided to send the Teleri up there, anyway. With a greeting to Elrond and news of the way, or something...
So... "I believe we will walk a bit more, before stopping to rest, my noble steed!"
There's no need to say that Hindrun fell into complaints again.
(As they had journeyed throughout the night, the horse had complained all the time, and Gildor had, few times, managed to stray subjects from complaint. They had gone into a quarrell, just before sunrise, concerning the part of little birds in the wars and great deeds, since days of old, and Gildor mocked Hindrun to be willing to find stars on a heaven well known by all Eldar and even by most Avari, but Gildor listened with astounded attention as Hindrun quoted some old verses of a lore in which an armour was mentioned to have been made for Tulkas by Aule, with the corpses -- that is, an armour of bones -- of oewenien killed by the hundreds of thousands by Morgoth, some occasion before the rise of the edainien ... All the corpses had been collected by Elbereth and Tulkas, after Morgoth had been pushed away back to the north.)
"Golden sun rises, my good Hindrun!", said Gildor.
"Eeeennrh-rh, pfrfrfrfr!?" to what Gildor was awkward in answering... For the plan was to rest only in the end of the day, but ... "well, what do horses care of lost blade and cloak, after all, and anyway, I will need them dearly, and 'ld better keep them even in case Ragnor and Rauros win this udunish bet, and pay them once we meet up at Imladris, or do something else", because Gildor was decided to send the Teleri up there, anyway. With a greeting to Elrond and news of the way, or something...
So... "I believe we will walk a bit more, before stopping to rest, my noble steed!"
There's no need to say that Hindrun fell into complaints again.